Welcome to my blog

Welcome to my blog

Howdy All,

I had a lot of information on my last blog. I decided to start from scratch. I am sure this was the most stupid thing I could have done, as there was a lot of keywords and analytical help from keeping my old blog. I just wanted a fresh start. It has been a while. Anyway this blog is going to be called A Library of Ideas. I will talk about anything from art, running, poetry, graphic design, and spiritual awareness. As most of you know I am a writer as well as a visual artist.

In this first post I am just going to real quickly talk about a few projects I am currently working on:

1. I am working on mental illness posters. They are going to be of famous people that have mental illness and carved out of linoleum blocks. The other piece in this series is a mixed media piece that is made out of mirrors. More to come soon.

2. Obsolete, if you view the fine art on my website I have been working on a series of painting about objects that have become obsolete in my lifetime. I am currently working on a shelf full of books.

3. Appalachia Pop – I am documenting poor white rust belt culture, via photograph and poetry. This project has been on going for two years now. I am hopefully going to finish this up this summer.

Of course I am working on all sorts of graphic design projects, if you would like some work done get ahold of me.



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