Painting – Obsolete

Painting – Obsolete

Will our children know? – Painting Series – This series of paintings is based off of things have become obsolete in my lifetime, or are on the verge of it.

Typewriter – Underwood Typewriter 36 x 36″ Acrylic on Canvas. Typewriter Painting

Closeup of Typewriter

Card Catalog – Card Catalog 36 x 36″ Acrylic on Canvas. Card Catalog Painting

Card Catalog painting closeup

Phone Booth – Phone booth 30 x 50″ Acrylic on Canvas.
Acrylic Painting Phone Booth

Mail Pouch Barn – Mail Pouch Barn 40″ x 36″ Acrylic on Canvas.
Mail Pouch Barn Painting

Paris Clock – Paris Clock 40″ x 36″ Acrylic on Canvas.
Paris Clock Painting
