

In the news. 

St. Louis Artist Guild – 4/27/17 – Einstein was Refugee.

National show on the refugee crisis at St. Louis Artist Guild, Displacement and Migration.
Link to more information from the show.
Link to St. Louis Public Radio Interview Blog. 


Pecha Kucha (Dis) Engagement, Dayton City Paper 2/14/17
Dayton City Paper Cover

Presentation given at the Dayton Masonic Temple for Pecha Kucha night Dayton Ohio. 

Quote from Article, ”

“Attention spans have gotten slightly worse,” says Mitchell Eismont, who teaches photography and graphic design at Central State University. Eismont is right: last year The New York Times reported that the average attention span has fallen from 12 to eight seconds—shorter than that of a goldfish—over the last 15 years. Adapting to his students’ decreasing capacity for attention and increasing tendency toward distraction, Eismont teaches critical thinking through his politically charged poster design projects that have included subjects such as Christopher Columbus, satirical French newsweekly Charlie Hebdo, and the execution sentencing of Troy Davis. Eismont assigns his refugee project in hopes that the posters act as a connector between Americans and deteriorated Muslim communities. Students are often given only an hour or two to complete their posters while they grapple with both design problems and difficult subject matter.

Purposeful engagement within a limited time frame seems to be the thread connecting projects like Eismont’s with events like Pecha Kucha, borrowing elements from modern culture (time restriction and social connectivity) and filtering them through the slower-paced features of critical thinking and reflection. Pecha Kucha is appealing because it both embraces and rejects modern culture, working within its parameters without letting the format trample all over its participants.”

Pecha Kucha (Dis) Engagement, America Institute of Graphic Arts, Design Educators Conference Bowling Green Ohio 6/15 – 6/16/16

Design Educators Conference Bowling Green Ohio

Presentation of student work at the design educators conference at Bowling Green University.